Best Karaoke Rentals,
1324 San Andres St.,
Santa Barbara, CA.
Office: 805 966-1957,
Jerry’s Cell: 805 403-0125,
Brian’s Cell: 719 749-8225,
Bruce’s Cell: 805 729-2203.

How to Host Your Karaoke Party

Quick start guide.

  • Hosting only takes enthusiasm, a good sense of humor and the love of music with friends.
  • Set up your equipment at least one hour before your guests are due to arrive. Place your Party Jockey Sound System on a table so the sound will travel at your ear level for best results. Test everything out and re-fresh yourself in how to input the songs into the Party Jockey Reservation System using the e-songbook. Find the music volume that works best for your room.
  • Your TOUCH KARAOKE Party Jockey has current background Party Music built-in, to help get your party started. This is called Interlude. You can turn this option ON by going to the main operations screen. Click on the tablet looking icon at the bottom of the windows screen. This will open the main karaoke operations screen, which is normally hidden behind your Karaoke Song Search Screen. On the left you will see the words Interlude, Clink on it and you will see many songs listing on the screen, if they are not already shown. Now, Just click on the box named ON/OFF that is right about this list of Interlude songs and it will then go to "ON" position. Next click on the small box below it and all of the songs in the list will then be selected. As soon as you click ON these two buttons, the Interlude Background Party Music, will start playing. This is the Billboard Popular Top 100 Party Songs. Now, anytime a karaoke song is set to Play, your background, this Interlude music will automatically Stop playing. Then, when your karaoke songs is over, the Interlude party Music will again begin to play at the beginning of the next song in the list, until the KARAOKE PLAY Button is clicked on again. This Party Music will help get your party started and keep it going due to any delays. Just Start you Interlude when your guest are about to arrive. Be sure to go back to your Karaoke Lyrics by clicking on the tablet looking Icon at the bottom of the windows screen and you will be ready for KARAOKE FUN.
  • Hosting is all about helping your guests get Started, then it will just move forward. Show everyone how to use the e-songbooks, how to find their favorite songs and so they can get listed in the Queue List. Your guest will be provided the entertainment for everyone to enjoy. Just help them get started with the e-songbooks, so they can find the Songs they want to sing. It is very easy to look up any song by Artist Name or by Song Title. Once you do this a couple of times, it all become a simple routine.
  • When you find the song you want, you then add your Name and click on RESERVE , which will then add your song to the Singers QUEUE LIST, ALL REMOTELY. No More Sign-Up Sheets to use, it is all done electronically from your e-songbooks, by wireless wifi to the Touch Karaoke Wifi Server.
  • Normally the first hour of any party is the cocktail hour while your guest are arriving They should be great with party music. With our New TOUCH Karaoke Party Jockey System, this is all built-in using the INTERLUDE music player as described above.
  • Need some more HELP? Locate one of your guests that is Karaoke friendly, loves to sing and invite them to assist you. They can help show everyone how to use the e-songbooks, which is the heart of your system. They can as lo help by introduce the next singer. When you have several people on your list you can begin introducing your guests. The Queue List shows the Next Singer to go up to the microphones. Once they are ready to sing, they only need to PUSH START on the Lyrics Screen. Be sure your guest is ready to sing, have them check their microphone or just hand them the microphone once you introduce them to sing.
  • When you have several people on your list you can begin introducing your guests. The Queue List shows the Next Singer to go up to the microphones. Once they are ready to sing, they only need to PUSH START on the Lyrics Screen. Be sure your guest is ready to sing, have them check their microphone or just hand them the microphone once you introduce them to sing.
  • Everyone can be Singing Star by having lots of fun and providing GREAT ENTERTAINMENT for your entire group, long to be remembered.

The Process of finding a great song is very easy now and entering the singers name on to the Queue List is very easy now. Just introduce the next singer and your ready to go. Singer presses the PLAY BUTTON when they are ready to sing and the karaoke song starts.

  • Introduce your next singer to perform, hand them the microphone and the singer pushes play for the background party music to stop & Karaoke Lyrics start showing on the screen.
  • Then you can push play, they will then be looking at the screen for the words to start.
  • You can control the music volume, microphone volume and digital echo that works best for each singer.
  • Birthday Parties are the most popular event and sometimes a singing contest is a great ice breaker, producing a lot of entertainment. Pre-arrange some fun prizes that would interest your guests. Younger groups always go for Music CD's or iTune Gift Cards or Gift Certificates as Great Prizes. Judges can be picked or singers can be judged by applause, either way you are creating a fun atmosphere with your friends and family.
  • Before you know it your party will be up and running with everyone will be involved, finding great hidden talent from very interesting places. It's a Party Now!

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We are here to answer any questions you may have about our rental packages and service. Reach out to us and we'll respond as soon as we can. Our office contact info.